Branch 20 represents twenty-eight offices throughout CT and over the past thirty-one years we have negotiated and renegotiated Local Agreements for each of these offices.

Article 30 of the National Agreement enables the local parties to negotiate over certain work rules and other items and conditions of employment. Article 30.B of the National Agreement allows for negotiations on 22 items at the local level.

The current Local Agreements were negotiated in 2016 and will remain in effect until a new national agreement is implemented and a new thirty-day local implementation period is set.

Local implementation procedures result in the execution of a Local Memorandum of Understanding – a local, enforceable agreement between the NALC and the Postal Service.

The Local Agreements for all of the offices represented by CT Merged Branch 20 are posted below for your review and use.

If you have any questions regarding your Local Agreement be sure to check with your Union Steward.